
Otomys yaldeni



Otomys yaldeni P.J. Taylor et al., 2011

A small-sized Otomys with a relatively short tail. Lavrenchenko et al. (1997) demonstrated the genetic distinctness (on allozyme data and karyotypes) of O. yaldeni (= their “Sp. A”) and O. helleri (= their “Sp.
B”) in the Bale Mountains. Morphological analysis by Taylor et al. (2011) documented O. yaldeni from the northern (Dinsho and Goba areas) and south-western (70 km north-west of Kebre Mengist) slopes of the Bale Massif. All known specimens of O. yaldeni were collected in mosaic habitats of grassland and forest between 2650 and 3800 m a.s.l. (Taylor et al. 2011). There are no DNA sequences of this species and its phylogenetic position is thus unresolved. Based on morphology, it is the most similar to O. simiensis (Taylor et al. 2011).


Otomys yaldeni is a species. It belogs to the Muridae family.

