
Otomys typus



Otomys typus (Heuglin, 1877)

After Taylor´s et al. (2011) revision (see above), the name O. typus is restricted to populations at high elevations in the north-western Highlands. This species may co-occur with O. simiensis in several mountain blocks, but the latter species usually prefers lower elevations (see O. simiensis account). The analysis of mitochondrial DNA showed very high genetic diversity of populations considered here as O. typus s. str. (our unpublished data) suggesting the presence of additional cryptic species that need to be examined using integrative taxonomy (see e.g. Bryja et al. 2018a). Taylor et al. (2011) mentioned that the species occurs also at one locality east of the Rift Valley (Hirna in the Chercher Mts.), but this is based on morphological assignment with weak probability and should be confirmed by genetic data (the locality
is not shown on the map).


Otomys typus is a species. It belogs to the Muridae family.

