



The genus Otomys has a wide but highly fragmented distribution in sub-Saharan Africa, often restricted to highlands. This fragmentation has resulted in intensive allopatric diversification and populations, which inhabit different mountain ranges, are usually considered separate species (based on genetic and morphological differences). Ethiopian taxa had been treated as a single species, O. typus, until the taxonomic revision by Taylor et al. (2011), who showed that it is a complex of at least six species, differing in their ecology, morphology and genetics. Available genetic data suggests that Ethiopian Otomys are divided in two major genetic clades (O. simiensis vs. others; Taylor et al. 2011). Two species can co-occur in some mountains (e.g. Simien or Bale Mts.), but they usually prefer different elevations and habitats (e.g. Craig et al., in lit.). All Ethiopian species seem to be endemic to the country.

